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| 1855-02-11 Hubert Hillesheim & Katherine Eichten - Wedding
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| 1858 Anna (Grosjean) Hillesheim
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| 1858 Mathias Hillesheim
4 |
| 1858 Mathias Hillesheim, Anna Grosjean sketch 2nd marriage for both
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| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
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| 1864~ James C. Murray, center, during Civil War From White Bear Lake Area Historical Society, 2006
Robert Whitaker, James C. Murray and L.C. Dunn, members of the First MN Artillery on Lookout Mountain in Tennessee.
Media Date: BET 1864 AND 65
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| 186x Mathias and Anna (Grosjean) Hillesheim Undated, likely 1860's. Mathias Hillesheim, boy, Anna (Grosjean)
8 |
| 186x Nicholas Hillesheim - Civil War
9 |
| 1871 Anna (Weisner) Wiltscheck, immigration photo
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| 1871 Johann and Anna (Weisner) Wiltscheck, immigration photo Johann was born in Bohemia, and married Anna Wiesner there. Immigrated to America in 1871 in a 3 month boat ride. Settled in Sigel township. Johann died of injuries when kicked by a horse.
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| 1871 Johann Wiltscheck, immigration photo
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| 1878 Wedding--George Miller & Emma Staller
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| 187x Henry B. Hillesheim
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| 187x Hubert G. Hillesheim
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| 187x Hubert Hillesheim
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| 187x Joseph Hillesheim
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| 187x Nicholas Hillesheim
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| 1880~ Clara Baumann - young lady
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| 1883 Anton Hillesheim, Groom
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| 1883 Mary Hillesheim, Bride
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| 1883 Wedding sketch--Anton Hillesheim & Mary Hillesheim
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| 1883 Wedding--Anton Hillesheim & Mary Hillesheim
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| 1883 Wedding--Joseph Wiltscheck & Katherine Schieffert
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| 1883~ Sister Humilitas (Anna) and Mary Hillesheim
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| 1884 Andrew J. Eckstein & Christine Pietrus Wedding
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| 1886 Ella Finch, Bride
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| 1886 Patrick Burke, Groom
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| 1886 Wedding--John Krzmarzick & Margaret Brandl
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| 1886 Wedding--Patrick Burke & Ella Finch
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| 1890's~ Andrew F. Fulton
31 |
| 1890~ James C. Murray House
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| 1891 Michael Schroepfer Family Michael, Joseph, Wilhemina, Anna, Mary, Katherine, and Margaret (Helget).
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| 1891~ Mary, Anna, Bertha, Clara Bruckbauer
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| 1892 Wedding--Anton Rubey & Mary Petsinger
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| 1892 Wedding--Joseph C. Hofmeister & Annie Manderfeld
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| 1892~ Wedding--Nickolas Jenniges & Barbara Turbes
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| 1893 Wedding - Joseph H. Schieffert & Katherine Kloeckl Attendants unknown
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| 1894 Henry J. Laux & Emma Marie Hillesheim - Wedding attendants Mary Hillesheim and Peter Laux
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| 1894 Wedding--Joseph Sperl & Magdalena Gall
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| 1896 John Eckstein & Mary Schroepfer Family John, Clara, Henry, Bertha, Mary, Barbara
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| 1896~ Anton Hillesheim & Mary Hillesheim Family left: Rose, Ottelia, John, Anton, Mary Anna, Clara, Mary, Meinrad, Bertha
left: Rose, Ottilia, John, Anton, Mary Anna, Clara, Mary, Meinrad, Bertha
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| 1896~ Anton Hillesheim & Mary Hillesheim Family left: Rose, Ottelia, John, Anton, Mary Anna, Clara, Mary, Meinrad, Bertha
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| 1896~ Robert J. Hamp HS grad
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| 1897 Charles B. Hillesheim & Caroline Lukas - Wedding
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| 1897 Mathias Pflipsen & Christine Sand Wedding
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| 1898 Andrew Krzmarzick, Groom Source::Barbara Jean Quinn 2009
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| 1898 Mary (Sieg) Krzmarzick, Bride Source::Barbara Jean Quinn 2009
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| 1898 Wedding - Joseph Prokosch & Mary Kloeckl
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| 1898 Wedding--Andrew Krzmarzick & Mary Sieg Back: Ida Sieg, Michael Krzmarzick*, Mike Brandl (or Johnny K,son of Wenzel), Kate Sieg*
50 |
| 1898~ Hubert G. Hillesheim & Johanna Corey Family (photo-unatt) front(4): Josephine M.,Florian,Barbara M.,Agatha C.
middle(6): BerthaA.,Frank A.,Arnold,Henry A.,Rose M.,Anna
back(8): Katherine A.,Christopher A.,Bernard H.,Joseph A.,John H.,Peter A.,Clara M.,Christina A.
51 |
| 1899 Frances Roll and Gertrude
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| 1899 Mary Hillesheim, Bride
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| 1899 Michael G. & Mary (Hillesheim) Krzmarzick - newlywed home
54 |
| 1899 Michael George Krzmarzick, Groom
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| 1899 Wedding--Michael G. Krzmarzick & Mary Hillesheim
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| 189x Marie, Frederick, & Alphonse Hillesheim
57 |
| 189x~ Mathias Hillesheim,Jr Family Front:George, Mathias,Katherine, Edward
Back:Catherine, Clara
58 |
| 18xx Andrew Bruckbauer
59 |
| 18xx Andrew J. Eckstein
60 |
| 18xx Anton Henry Hillesheim
61 |
| 18xx Elizabeth Rewitzer
62 |
| 18xx George Krzmarzick - horse&buggy
63 |
| 18xx James & Laureatta (Case) Finch
64 |
| 18xx John Dahm
65 |
| 18xx Katherine (Wiltscheck) Bruckbauer
66 |
| 18xx Mathias Hillesheim
67 |
| 1900 Nicolas Klinkhammer - from obit
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| 1900 Wedding--Anton H. Hillesheim&Elizabeth Rewitzer
69 |
| 1900 Wedding--Anton H. Hillesheim&Elizabeth Rewitzer Back: Christopher Arnold Hillesheim, Bertha Rewitzer
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| 1900 Wedding--Peter Krzmarcik & Elizabeth Kessler
71 |
| 1900~ Hamp,agnesH,amalieA,francesE L-R: Agnes, Amalie, Frances
72 |
| 1900~ Joseph H. Schieffert Family Back:Joseph, Edward, Katherine (Kloeckl) Schieffert
Front: Cecilia, Olga Schieffert
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| 1901 Anton Hillesheim's farm, 1st barn
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| 1901 Anton Hillesheim's new house front row left: Meinrad, John, Tillie, Ann, Mary,Clara, Rose
back row left: Anastasia (in chair) Mary, Anton
75 |
| 1901 Charles Wiltscheck, 1st Communion
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